Lead Based Paint
Lead Based Paint (LBP) is extremely toxic to human and animal health. Houses that are painted with lead based paint can cause severe health issues to its occupants especially young children. Lead causes damage to our organs, brain, and kidneys. Lead poisoning can cause reproductive issues such as infertility. In recent studies children exposed to lead based paint form learning disabilities, seizures, and behavioral problems. The physical signs in adults are headaches, joint pain, fatigue, miscarriage, and in severe cases nausea, vomiting, blue tint to gums and skin, loss of balance, coma, and even death. Read more...
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Rules and Regulations for Lead-Based Paint Removal
Lead-Based Paint Removal is conducted by certified LBP individuals and complied by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
LTRC, Inc.of McKinney, Texas, has trained environmental professionals who remove hazardous and toxic material safely from any surface. Majority of these surfaces are in houses and areas were others live or work. These areas need to be evacuated before LBP is removed. LTRCs professionals gear-up with protective suits and masks to prevent from contamination.
The rules for
It is vital to remove paint from the early years up to 1970s. Old paint ages, crumbles, and turns into paint dust. By inhaling these particles it can cause serious illnesses and death. People who are at higher risk are children, elderly, and pregnant women. Read More...
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Underground Storage Tank Removal
Underground Storage Tanks which are also known as USTs are tanks that are used underground for various purposes. The most common use of the USTs is for petroleum products storage. For example, underground tanks that are used to store gasoline at the gas stations. Or in other instances, some might store water, or even wastewater.
This industry is highly regulated by the Office of Underground Storage Tanks at the EPA. In order to comply it is best to hire certified UST Removal businesses that are fully knowledgeable about the newest guidelines. LTRC, Inc. of McKinney, Texas, has highly trained and certified individuals who can inspect and remove Underground Storage Tanks and conduct soil sampling. Read More...
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